The lights go out, total darkness falls on you. You hold the hand of your partner, and continuously bump into things and people. You hear voices but do not know from where they come from, and even finding the door of the room looks impossible…
No, it is not the end of the world, it is just the experience of the first 5 minutes in the Invisible Exhibition where we become blind for an hour, and realize the interesting things it does to our senses. And yep, it is fun!
First of all I have to assure you it is not so bad as it sounds. I almoast gave up before enetering, but the blind guiders assured me they can get me out in 10 seconds from the room and ususally everyone stays sane and fine :) Me and my sisters were still worried about having a panic attack and ruining the afternoon for everyone but after 3 minutes, we were just giggling like idiots.
It was frightening, and you wanna hold the hand of your partner like mad, while you try tapping everything around you and follow the voice of the leader. After a while, I started imagining colours to everything I touched. We went into a forest, streets, kitchen a bar and other scenes.
You can all the way ask weird questions from your guide like „how do you dream?” „are you interested in colours?” and he was answering with incredible patience and jokes. Really, I kept laughing all the time.
Before and after you have the chance to check out household gadget for blind and get to know the braille system. Plus, there are extra programs like massages and invisible dinner . probably perfect for the next turn!
Are you bored of the usual programs? So share this experience with you girlfriend/boyfriend, friends or family – get invisible together :)
Could an hour of blindness open your eyes?
Bakonyi Zsuzsa