Idén is Arany Bot Díj!

Idén is Arany Bot Díj!

Idén is Arany Bot Díj! 150 150 Dorottya Kovács

Ismét Arany Bot Díj!

A Bízz Vakon! Közhasznú Egyesület a tavalyi sikerre való tekintettel, nagy örömmel jelentette be, hogy a 2018-ban létrejött Arany Bot Díj programját 2019-ben is megszervezi. 

„A példamutatás és a jótettek elismerése fontos, még akkor is, ha ezeket a cselekedeteket alapvetően önzetlen motiváció adta.”

Nowadays, it is very important that at home you can adequately complement what you work at school, since education is a shared task. There are several authors who agree on the idea that those students who receive support and motivation from their parents tend to obtain the best academic results. Therefore, it is necessary for parents to have some tools that allow them to support the study of their children at home since in this way they can work in collaboration with schools. Here we share a series of tips with which you can help study your children, and thus be able to work together with teachers and schools in these times of contingency for the coronavirus. Make a diagnosis identifying those issues that are most difficult for you, this can be through a small test, dialoguing with their teachers, you can also ask your children directly what they would like to learn since taking into account their interests increases motivation. Taking into account the previous point and this article, design a list of topics to study, it is advisable to do this together with your children, since in this way they will be clear about what is to be learned. It is recommended to have a calendar and a schedule in which study time is clearly established. For children from six to eleven years of age, one to two hours of study per day is recommended; for children and young people of twelve years of age and older, it is suggested to dedicate three hours per day. It is important that you provide a quiet environment in which you can concentrate to study, likewise, it is necessary that you have the necessary materials, as well as avoid possible distractors such as television or video games.

A jelöléseket augusztus 31-ig várják az Arany Bot Díj weboldalán.

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